Delta Institute envisions a region in which all communities and landscapes thrive through an integrated approach to environmental, economic, and social challenges. In pursuing this vision, Delta has greatly valued our partnership with the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative (GLRI).
Delta has successfully created and implemented a variety of impactful projects and collaborations with funding provided by the GLRI. Through this partnership, Delta has been able to move its vision to create thriving landscapes and communities in the Great Lakes forward and assisted in accelerating the efforts to restore and protect the world’s largest freshwater ecosystem – the key priority of GLRI funding.
We have a history leading several GLRI projects, such as our Market-based Conservation Project in the Kalamazoo River Watershed and our Oceana County Tree Planting Project. We have also collaborated on other GLRI projects led by our partners such as The Nature Conservancy, Alliance for the Great Lakes, and the Southwest Michigan Region Planning Commission.
Please enjoy our overview of GLRI collaborations by clicking the button below. If you are interested in partnering on any projects or learning more, feel free to email us at delta@delta-institute.org.