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Knight Cities Challenge grant competition seeks way to revitalize Gary

This NWI Times article discusses the new round of Knight Cities Challenge funding that is available for those who want to help cities succeed. Delta's Steel City Salvage project, which will create a materials reuse facility and marketplace for Gary's deconstructed...

Gary to hire consultants for green plan

This Post-Tribune article reports on the Gary Redevelopment Commission's decision to award contracts to three organizations that are advising the city on deconstruction of abandoned homes. Among them is Delta Insitute, who devised the initial deconstruction plan. Read...

Bringing Small Grains into Chicago and the “Local Food” Conversation

Bringing Small Grains into Chicago and the “Local Food” Conversation

-Ben Shorofsky, Programs Specialist at Delta Institute Grains and beans represent a significant portion of our food system, but they are relatively new to the local food conversation. Delta Institute is proud to be part of a collaborative effort aimed at bringing...

Program helps restaurants turn food scraps into compost

This story from Lansing-based Fox28 highlights the launch of a food scraps pilot program that Delta is leading in partnership with the city's Live Green Lansing initiative and Hammond Farms. The program is funded by the Michigan Department f Environmental Quality.

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