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Planting Tomorrow’s Midwest

Planting Tomorrow’s Midwest

…Midwest. These plantings focus on building long-term community resilience against flooding, equitable access to green space, and improvements to local water and air quality. For each $150 donation we receive,…

BOOST Sponsor Highlight: Peoples Gas Community Fund

BOOST Sponsor Highlight: Peoples Gas Community Fund

…We’ve made significant investments to better serve our customers and our communities, including investments in our energy delivery infrastructure and investments in energy efficiency, which help the environment while providing…

From Brownfield to Beauty

From Brownfield to Beauty

…brownfields in Muskegon, MI into urban tree farms using fast-growing poplar trees that clean up soil while providing a host of other benefits. In 2012, Delta Institute began working in…

Brownfield Site in Gary to Become Urban Forest

…site, it was the best option. Eve Pytel explains through the use of phytoremediation on this toxic site, the fast-growing poplar and cottonwood trees can absorb petroleum in the soil…

Rust Belt Cities Go Green to Aid Urban Revival

This Green Building Advisor blog post discusses the strategies that rust belt cities are experimenting with in order to deal with disinvestment. Delta’s Knight Foundation funded materials reuse facility was…

The Cares Act and Charitable Giving

The Cares Act and Charitable Giving

…uncertainty, here a few key takeaways from the Act: A universal charitable deduction. Normally, in order to claim a tax deduction for contributions, donors need to itemize their taxes instead…

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