If you were handed a sticky note and then asked, “What does a more resilient and equitable Midwest look like to you?” — what would you write?
For us here at Delta, we would probably scribble down that a more resilient and equitable Midwest means reduced risks of climate change by proactively preparing communities. It includes conservation-focused agriculture which not only negates climate impacts but also improves economic outcomes of farming families. It looks like improving our region’s water quality for Great Lakes communities now – and for generations to come.
So what would our sticky notes look like?

As you consider what the future of our Midwest should look like to you and your family, please consider making a donation to Delta Institute this holiday season. With your support and partnership, we will work toward:
—Serving more than five million Midwesterners,
—Helping 1,000 farmers transition one million acres to conservation-focused practices, and
—Improving water quality and reducing flooding by capturing 100 million stormwater gallons.
By 2025 we will achieve these goals through our agriculture, climate, water, and community development projects.
This is what a more resilient, equitable, and innovative Midwest looks like.
But we’re also challenging you to go one step further…
We’re encouraging all our supporters to send us their answers to What does a more resilient and equitable Midwest look like to you? We’ll be posting your comments on a sticky note on our chalkboard at Delta’s office, as well as sharing pictures on our Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Twitter accounts. You can send us what you would write on a sticky note by emailing us your response or by mailing a sticky note to our office (35 E Wacker Dr., Ste. 1760; Chicago, IL 60601). You can also share your own note using our collaborative, online whiteboard by clicking here (free sign-up for Canva.com may be required). We’re excited to hear what your vision for the Midwest looks like!
Double the impact of your gift
As you think about your vision for the Midwest—our climate, our landscapes, our communities—please consider supporting our work at Delta Institute as we head into 2023. Your gift will also have double the impact if you give before December 31 this year, as Delta’s Board of Directors has committed to matching, dollar for dollar, the first $25,000 in donations we receive!
I hope you join in the fun and share your vision of a resilient and equitable Midwest. If you have any questions about donating or about our work, please click here to email us or call us at 312-554-0900.
Thank you for supporting Delta Institute this holiday season!