DELs Recruitment Info – May Session

DELs Recruitment Info – May Session

Join the DELs for a happy hour and learn more about applying to become a volunteer Delta Emerging Leader Associate Board Member.

Green Soapbox 2022: City Resilience

Green Soapbox 2022: City Resilience

Green Soap Box is an annual event, organized by the Delta Emerging Leaders Associate Board, that explores an environmental issue impacting our local community.

BOOST 2021: Emerging Entrepreneurs in Sustainability

BOOST 2021: Emerging Entrepreneurs in Sustainability

BOOST is a platform for early-stage entrepreneurs with innovative products and services to provide sustainable change in the Midwest. BOOST is hosted by the Delta Emerging Leaders, the official associate board of Delta Institute. How does BOOST work? On November 9,...

DELs Recruitment Info Session #2

DELs Recruitment Info Session #2

Are you, or someone you know, passionate about advancing innovative solutions to sustainability in the Midwest? Consider applying to become a Delta Emerging Leader (DEL)! DELs serve as the official associate board of Delta Institute. We are looking for stellar...

DELs Recruitment Info Session #1

DELs Recruitment Info Session #1

Are you, or someone you know, passionate about advancing innovative solutions to sustainability in the Midwest? Consider applying to become a Delta Emerging Leader (DEL)! DELs serve as the official associate board of Delta Institute. We are looking for stellar...

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