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Stronger Together for a Resilient Great Lakes

Stronger Together for a Resilient Great Lakes

…and stormwater planters. Delta’s efforts will more efficiently manage millions of stormwater gallons annually, reducing flooding risk and safeguarding both communities and natural habitats. Please contribute today. Through Delta’s Green…

Administrator, Environmental Finance Center

Administrator, Environmental Finance Center

…with the implementation of direct technical assistance to communities across Region 5 in planning for, applying for, and implementing Drinking Water and Clean Water State Revolving Loan Funds (SRFs). The…

25 Years of Impact at Delta Institute

25 Years of Impact at Delta Institute

…a new destination for outdoor recreation in the region. The site now captures and treats 190 million gallons of stormwater annually, protecting the water quality of a major tributary which…

What does a more resilient and equitable Midwest look like to you?

What does a more resilient and equitable Midwest look like to you?

…to conservation-focused practices, and —Improving water quality and reducing flooding by capturing 100 million stormwater gallons. By 2025 we will achieve these goals through our agriculture, climate, water, and community…

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Create a thriving Midwest for tomorrow by supporting Delta today.